Yesterday (Monday, June 3) work began on the parking lot in front of the church. Currently, they are preparing to pour the first part of the lot with hopes of having the whole project completed very quickly!!!

This is going to cause a few inconveniences for the ministries this week, so here’s what you need to know:
Anyone needing to visit the office should turn into the church drive and stick to the right (east) of the mailbox in the grass. We are parked on the east side of the building and that door can be used to reach us.
The front door is to be used by the workers only!
Tuesday Morning Bible Study is canceled
Wednesday Youth Group (Junior High & High School) will happen! We are asking parents to drop off at the back door. If you turn into the church parking lot, stick to the left (in the gravel, and away from the fresh concrete) – you can follow the gravel portion of the lot around the building to the shed. The back door is located facing the shed. Junior High is 6-7 & High School is 7-8.
Choir will still meet and can park on the east side of the building or in the back of the parking lot, but should plan to come in the east side of the building for ease.
Any future updates will be shared here! – Kyle