Blessings to all our readers as the season of Lent Begins! We haven’t had a building update in a while but we have two great steps to celebrate.
Village Zoning Approval
We are very thankful for the village approval of the rezoning for the old ministry site. This is an important step toward the sale of the old location, and we do have an interested buyer. Please pray for all to go well in that process as the sale of the old building does two important things for our church: It provides important funds for the finish of the new project, and it reduces the church expenses (no longer needing to pay utilities and insurance for the old site). The sale of the old location is a vital part of the plan for the new one, this step with village zoning is an important step forward to celebrate. May the Lord continue to be in the work, and thank you for your prayers.
Progress on the Kitchen!
Here are some excellent photos of a few of our trustees at work in the new kitchen. It won’t be too long before we can return to offering some food and fellowship based ministries again.
How great it will be to host pot-lucks, chili suppers, spaghetti suppers, breakfasts on Sunday Morning, and dinners on Wednesday night once again! Fellowship is such a vital part of who we are as a church, and it will be a blessing to be able to set the fellowship table again!
As we enter into Lent, we do so with thanksgiving for the good work of God, and we hope that you’ll join us in renewing our faith and our dedication to the Lord these next 40 days till Easter!