Something old… Something new…
As we get ready to have our first communion service in the new building this Sunday it’s a good time to take a look at some of the ways we are preserving our history! Communion is a sacrament the church has been keeping for 2000 years, and to host that old and sacred sacrament in our newly consecrated building is very exciting! We’ve been working hard to preserve our history in the new building and you can see that taking shape as our chapel is coming together!
You can see we have brought over the old pulpit and altar, as well as two pews from the previous building. The room is beginning to take shape, but isn’t finished. It is also planned to host the beautiful wooden cross from the old building stairwell, and seven more pieces of stained glass that have been reproduced from the S Seminary location. Visitors can see some of that glass on display already in a hallways of the new building.

Also, as you walk in, we have designed our welcome desk to feature some of the really interesting historical pieces we discovered as we did the work of packing up and moving from there to here. As you look below you can see
- Two historical communion sets (the one with the glasses is sturdy enough to carry on horseback!)
- A Bible that once sat on the altar, before the one we use now (which is planned to be retired for a new one soon).
- A stack of united Methodist hymnals that go back to the 1800’s! We’ve been singing God’s praises for a long time.
- AND a bicentennial bottle of Coca-Cola from 1984 featuring a United Methodist Circuit Rider (preacher on horseback). Our area once served by Peter Cartwright (1785-1872) who was one of the most famous circuit riders in American Methodist History. Many thanks to the donor who shared this fun piece of history with us!
As we gather for communion and remember who we are in Christ, it is a blessing to have these historical, and fun, items to help us remember that we humbly and gratefully take our part in the ongoing work of the church.