Some great concrete work going on this week!
And back at the old location we’re busy packing up the offices and the church supplies in the basement and kitchen.

The back lighting is being finished for the sanctuary stained glass and the Ad Board is busy discussing some really exciting worship questions like which symbols are most important to us and need to be utilized in the new building’s worship service. It is good work, and exciting. If you’d like to help just contact the church office: or 378-2651
We continue to ask for your prayers, please pray that God will be in these last steps of transition and finish-work. Please pray for the Lord to bring a fresh wind and fresh fire into the hearts of the people of God. And may that revival be a blessing also to our village in the name of Christ.
Also a big thank you to all of our fantastic volunteers! Without you this would simply not be possible. Thank you for sharing your skills, your time, your gifts, and your talents!