Building Update 5/18/20

Some great work has been going on at the new building in the past week. We have received delivery of the chairs for the chapel!

We are also seeing some great work on the kitchen. Here you can see the hood and one of the sinks are installed!

The work on the back wall of the stage continues. We are creating a great place for our restored stained glass to be showcased:

And Just this last Sunday after church, a call was made for volunteers to help dust the large HVAC return ducts before the go up to the ceiling. Thanks to everyone who came and helped!

There will be more opportunities to serve in the coming weeks. We have ceiling work to finish, and more cleaning to do. Please keep an eye on your church announcements: bulletin, website, facebook, and your email.

Thanks for all of your support and each part of the project brings us closer to an opening day!