Building Update 3/11/21

Lots of new improvements at the sight this last weekend and this week let’s head inside and take a look!

This cross on our entryway doors will be outlined with rough-cut cedar wood and will provide a beautiful entryway into the new building.

There are quite a few new elements of plumbing being installed. The toilets are in most of the restrooms (including the new restroom in the nursery for the smallest of our members). We’ve also seen the sprinkler system being finished up in the ceilings.

We also had a great crew of volunteers this last Sunday working to wipe away all the dust so that the painters can get to the trim and the windows soon. With all the plaster work there was a lot of space to prepare. Thanks to everyone who joined us after church!
Pipes and ductwork that will be on the ceiling in the main space are being painted to match the color of the ceiling. These are all laid out in the chapel and ready to be used when they are dry.

The work is continuing and it won’t be too long before we start seeing carpet and talking about moving a few things in. We are hoping to be able to have an opening day in May, but a lot of that will be weather dependent related to the concrete pour.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. If you want to be part of the work crew, moving crew, or even would like to join one of our walk-throughs please contact us at the church office: 309-378-2651.