Building Update 3/4/21

Lots of small infrastructure added to the building recently. The running of pipes and cables and wires to all the places they need to go is nearing completion!

The new location will be boasting a robust wireless network thanks to our excellent volunteers!
These are the two small classrooms between the restrooms and the larger youth room in the back. Through their outside facing walls, the pipes and lines for the AC are coming into the building.
The plumbing is beginning to finish up. We have here the utility sink in the custodian closet, and the water fountains in the classroom hallway.

But, as exciting as pipes and wifi can be, let’s finish this update up with a few bigger shots of some of our spaces we will be sharing ministry in!

Here you can see the lights now installed on the ceiling of the chapel.
This is a view of the stage from the tech booth. We have all the wires in this place designed to run under the floor in the large room and connect at the back of the stage wall. This room will have full control of lights, sound, and all the tech necessities for the new building.
The stage is ready for paint, and looking very nice.

Once again we want to offer thanksgiving for your help and support, and for our fantastic volunteers! We are looking at an opening date after Easter and when we know something more specific we will share it here.