United Women in Faith – Formerly called UMW or United Methodist Women
The UWF is a long running tradition in the Methodist church. It has been a force for mission in the church since 1869 and remains a great place for fellowship and service today. The UWF meets on Sunday mornings and is open to all women, both church members and regular attendees. Share your email below and click the button below to learn more (including the date of the next meeting).
DUMC Church Choir
The Downs United Methodist Church Choir is a great bunch of people. Practices are lighthearted and fun, and it is a great place for fellowship. They are always looking for new voices and no registration is required at all. Stop by for a practice and they’d love to see you! The choir practices on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM.
Sewing Group
A unique and special ministry of the church, the Sewing Group was created after several mission trips to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Springfield Illinois. The group works in coordination with that mission in addition to taking on projects of their own. They have sewn school uniforms and bags for mission schools, blankets and clothing for emergency response, and the beautiful white skirt for the altar is their work as well. There is no need to know anything at all about sewing in order to join, they’re happy to teach. The next meeting is February 5th at 6:00 PM. No sign up is needed just simply stop by to visit and they’ll probably hand you a pattern, a pair of scissors, and a homemade cookie!
Music Ministry
Do you play an instrument, or have some special music to share with the church? We are blessed with musicians, soloists, and even one young composer at the church and we’d love to introduce you to the team. Contact the church office to learn more –
Worship Service
We really do believe our worship service is supposed to be a work of the entire congregation and that’s why you’ll see so many volunteers helping on Sunday morning. We use a monthly sign-up-genius to coordinate: Acolytes, Communion Stewards, Greeters, Musicians, Scripture Readers, Tech Help, and Ushers. If you’d like to be added to the sign-up-genius, or if you have questions contact the church office –
Made With Love
Before the Pandemic we had an active cooking ministry. Please keep an eye on the bulletin for service opportunities through this ministry.
Worship Service
Youth and children are welcome to serve in the worship service as well. The acolytes light the candles and assist the ushers, and youth and children are always welcome as scripture readers. Add your email to the sign-up-genius below by filling out the form and clicking the button.
Scouting at Downs UMC
The church charters Cub Scout Pack 53 and Boy Scout Troop 53. These are great programs that provide opportunities for youth to fellowship, grow in leadership skills, work together in service, and much more. For more information contact the church office –
Good Samaritan Fund
This is a fund that has been administered by our church for over a decade and its primary purpose is to provide assistance to individuals and families in the Tri-Valley area who need it. The fund assists with housing, food, and other types of emergency assistance, and it is administered by a team of dedicated volunteers. All assistance is kept confidential and prayerfully given.
You can donate to the Good Samaritan Fund through the offering in person, or by clicking “Give Now” on the main page. Simply designate your gift “Good Samaritan”
Downs United Methodist Building Fund
Our building project has several items that are waiting to be funded. Donations to the church’s building fund will help to make the new building at 205 S Highway Avenue the best place we can make it for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with our Community.
You can donate to the Building Fund through the offering in person, or by clicking “Give Now” on the main page. Simply designate your gift “Building Fund”