
Sermons are now at the bottom of this page, so scroll down if you’re looking for them!

Upcoming at Downs United Methodist Church

  • Sunday Worship 9:30 am
  • Sunday Bible Study 4pm in Chapel
  • Monday 6pm Boy Scouts
  • Monday 6pm Trustee Meeting
  • Tuesday 6:30pm Couples Group in Youth Room
  • Wednesday 5:30pm Next Gen -Children and Jr High
  • Thursday 7pm Worship Team on Stage

Worship Services

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning worship at Downs UMC is a great gathering of the church community. The service begins at 9:30 AM and lasts about an hour. Everyone is together for the first half (music and prayers) and K-3rd Grade have children’s church during the sermon (but you are always welcome to keep your kids with you, too). Our music varies from Sunday to Sunday and we try to play a wide variety of songs so there’s a connecting point for everyone. Sermons are most often preached in a series, which allows us to focus on a particular book of the Bible or scriptural theme with a bit more detail from week to week. There are many opportunities to volunteer on Sunday morning: Music, liturgist, greeter, usher, acolyte, and steward. Once you’ve attended a few times, you’re welcome to help out. (The worship service is a work of the people to honor our God.)

Sunday Schedule

  • Sunday School:  8:30am to 9:15am
  • Worship Service: 9:30am to 10:30am
  • Fellowship (Following Worship Service–Donuts and Coffee)
  • Adult Bible Study: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Watch the calendar for changes)

Next Gen

  • K-8th meeting on Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm
  • High School on Sundays at 10:45am-12:30pm
  • United Women in Faith: Second Sunday of Every Month (except May, Jun, July) at 10:45 am
  • Senior Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10 am via Zoom
  • Boy Scouts: Mondays at 6:00 pm
  • Trustees Meeting: 1st Monday of the Month at 5:30 pm
  • Sewing Group:  2nd Monday of the Month at 6pm

Find Us

Physical Location

We are located at 205 S Highway Ave, across Route 150 from Tri-Valley Middle School, in Downs, IL.

Hosting Sucks

On the Internet

Church Calendar

To schedule an event in the church please contact the church office (office@downsumc.org or 309-378-2651). Click on any individual event to see what room in the building is being used.

Would You or your Ministry like to use the Church Building?

Church ministries and church members do have priority for the use of the building, but local non-profit groups and ministries who agree to our facilities use policy and are in alignment with our mission/vision/beliefs are welcome to use space in the building as well.

Please scroll down to the footer of this page for information on how to contact the church office to request use of our facilities.

Sermons and Bulletins

You can find several past sermons on our Downs UMC Youtube page. Here are the last few:

Bulletins to go along with each service above are available for download below.